Finally, spring is on its way. In my area, the daffodils often bloom first, and I saw some buds preparing to burst today! This year the Spring Equinox arrives on March 20th. On this day (and the Autumn Equinox) the day and night are equal in length. Spring is one of the eight Wiccan sabbats celebrated each year. Some call it “Ostara”, relating to the Goddess of Springtime, Eostre. You can research her myth to learn about how eggs and rabbits became associated with Easter!
Spring is a time of renewal. Plants return, turning the world green with trees and flowers. Animals begin to reproduce, especially rabbits! Magically it is time to really “plant the seeds” of the intentions we may have developed during January and February as the new year started.
This year, to honor the coming of spring, I have already placed some new structures in my fairy garden. On the 22nd I am planning to attend an event hosted by Seeking Numina to connect with the land and water of a river that flows to the Chesapeake Bay, a place sacred to me. I have been waiting for the world to awaken in order to spend more time with the land in order to connect with the energies of Earth.
The Spring Equinox often marks the beginning of Aries seasons, which is my sun sign. I will go into more detail about Aries in an upcoming post. For my birthday, I hope to sow some wildflowers in my yard in order to draw the bees and butterflies to my home. I will also be setting some intentions for the coming year as I plant. During my birthday ritual, I plan to use a seed blessing ritual found in “Everyday Wicca” by Gerina Dunwich, a book I thrifted.
Several of the books I have that mention Spring rituals, encourage spring cleaning. I am planning to declutter and do a deep clean in my home. Some metaphysical shops and online business sell special floor wash made of herbs. It physically cleans your space, but also cleanses the energy of the space. I have one I need to use! You can also use a broom, or besom, to energetically sweep out your environment.
There is no official way to celebrate the coming of spring. Do what feels natural to you. Begin planting your garden, clean your home, make a fresh meal, take a walk in nature, read about the history and myths. To get you started, below is a way to bring the God and Goddess into your Spring spells or rituals.
I welcome my lord, King of the Sun
Wild Horned God, With me as one
I welcome your light, In balance with dark
Flowering from the soil, Spring makes its mark
I welcome my Lady, Majesty of the Moon
Maiden, Mother, Crone, With me attune
I welcome rebirth, After a time of rest
We now sow the seeds, In Earth’s fertile nest.
O Lord and Lady, Bless this Spring Rite. Celebrate with me the joyous day and night.